Monday, August 13, 2012

me giving a bit of advice

Yes i know ,i have a face for radio lol jk


  1. Good advice Becky :>}
    When I'm anxious I feel like I have to rush through whatever it is I feel I SHOULD be doing (and if I don't then Despair will get me) so my best option in the moment is to just Stop and quiet myself and look for good, positive energy. Then I need either to switch to doing something different or else to readjust *how* to do what I was doing - but with a calmer (or at least less compulsive) attitude to it.... Namaste. Barry

  2. great advice barry , i also find i rush alot when im anxious or try to flee from the entire situation , but im not running anymore i shall face it :)

  3. Hi I commented. :) thank you Becky its good advice. now I just have to convince myself to take it.

  4. its the best think u can do even if its only a friend ur talking too. good luck

    1. Thanks, but sometimes friends don't take you seriously. keep writing, posting and seeing behind the smile:)
