Monday, December 26, 2011

merry christmas

hey everyone, merry christmas. hope ur anxiety is in check, i know the christmas season can be stressful. hang in there and happy new year to u all.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


 Ok, i have been asked for help by many people who suffer from anxiety. The best advice i can give you is to talk to your doctor about treatment options. I can give advice and helpful tips, but every anxiety disorder is different. so please if anyone has anything to share or advice to give that would be very helpful.
p.s one other tip- believe in yourself and you will beat this, never ever give up .

Friday, December 2, 2011

Anxiety: Why are we ashamed

Anxiety: Why are we ashamed

Why are we ashamed

   Why are we ashamed to show our true emotions? Is it because we feel we will be judged? Do we feel as though we will be called "cry babies" if we let that tear drop fall from our lash? I believe we are not secure enough to show our emotions because we were taught to be ashamed of them.
   In order to learn to face our world differently, we need to first un-learn what we have been taught and start fresh. It's like telling a child not to cry when he/she is hurt. When that child grows up he/ she will think it is not ok to cry or show emotion, and in turn will bottle up all there feelings inside and will not be able to express themselves freely.
  So next time your child cries , let them it is a way of expression.